Saturday, 18 June 2016

Your Facebook Messenger inbox is about to look very different - here’s why

Facebook has announced some major change to its Messenger app by taking ‘a stab at reinventing the inbox’.
The Facebook Messenger inbox has undergone a major redesign, so you can now do more than just send and receive messages in the app, according to the social network.
Facebook says the update is currently being rolled out, with users landing on a new ‘homepage’ when they open up the app.
As well as all of your usual inbox messages, you will also be able to see ‘modules’ such as your favourite contacts, friends’ birthdays and contacts who are ‘active now’.
“The way messages appear in your messaging applications hasn't really changed since the beginning of the smartphone era. It's one long list of all the messages in chronological order,” explained Stan Chudnovsky, head of product for Messaging at Facebook.
“What we are doing is introducing a few modules, and those modules are sort of groupings of different messages or different people together.

“We will add more of those modules over time, and generally your inbox is going to start looking different, because we think it's time we started to innovate in how it looks and how it feels.”
He added: “The most important thing is to make sure that the messages that are unread are at the very top, and they're always there, so every time the message arrives it goes to the top and it stays there.”.
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